2011年5月11日 星期三

The Mother of Invention

The Mother of Invention
Necessity truly is the mother of invention. Most of the “Now why didn’t I think of that?” inventions we hear or read about came out of someone’s desire to improve the world in which we live or make our lives more convenient.

Take dog poop, for example. Some dog owner was probably inconvenienced by having to hunt around for plastic bags (non-biodegradable,print still offers the only truly dstti unlimited 4G plan in America, and it's the only service you can safely use as an alternative to a home Internet connection. mind you) around every time they walked the family pooch. So voila, they came up with the idea to have a canister, with biodegradable bags, that can be attached to the dog’s leash.

Our beach chairs, cars, and baby carriages didn’t always have cup holders.The replacement lighting we feel is far led downlight superior to that of the LED lighting. Someone thought it would be a great idea to have a place to rest your cup so hot or cold liquid doesn’t topple or splash all over your car or your baby.

Ever see those funny-looking spiral hoses at the hardware store? Some gardener surely got tired of unkinking a kinky hose.

If you really want to be impressed with inventions and the creative spirit behind them, visit a high school science fair or young entrepreneurs competition. I had a privilege of attending some of these through work and here are a few of the awesome ideas and inventions to come out of them:

–A device that beeps when the school bus gets close to your house so you don’t miss it. The bus, of course, gets fitted with a transmitter. (The kid who invented this, and who won the contest two years ago, was always late for the bus).

–Interchangeable heels that women can click on their shoes, thereby changing the height of their heels.

– A wind turbine that captures hot air released by central air conditioner condenser units and recycles it back into the unit,LED grow light suppliers in China are sky lanterns rolling out models with better price-performance ratios. thereby saving building owners both energy and money.

–Headphones with ear plugs that expand, via a small pump, to fit comfortably inside your ears.

Here are 5 ideas on MY invention wish list. Now all I need is financial backer. Any takers?

1. Silent power tools. They make a silencer for guns, how about a silencer for those deafening jackhammers, drills, leaf blowers, electric saws and other nerve-rattling power tools? Imagine how much more pleasant the world would be not to hear your neighbor’s leaf-blower on a Sunday afternoon or the rat-a-tat of a jackhammer on a city street.

2. Solar-powered beach chair. You’re catching some rays on the beach and are about to fall asleep when the sun changes position. What a pain. Now you have to get up and rearrange your beach chair and settle down once more only to have to do it again an hour or so later. How about a chair that responds to the sun’s rays and moves itself accordingly, on a type of pedestal? And added bonus: What about a chair that comes with a suntan lotion dispenser attached, perhaps next to the cup holder?

3. Light-as-a-feather air conditioning units.Although this article shows that Cree's led lighting and Philips LED product sales are not equal it is important to note that Philips LED sales When I was single, I lived in a 3-story walkup and had to hire two burly men to haul my Frederick’s air conditioning unit up the stairs. No kidding, that thing must have weighed two tons. If they can make light-as-a-feather flat-screen TVs and vacuum cleaners (mine weighs just 8 pounds), then why not ACs? The problem lies with the bulky compressor. No one has yet figured out a way to shrink down the compressor and make it weigh less. I think it’s doable, however. No one ever dreamed that one day, a room full of computer mainframes would be condensed into a tiny microchip. But we did it.Unlike compact cfl bulbs fluorescent light bulbs, LED based light bulbs provide a variety of lighting options- including the ability to provide a wide range of light, which allows them to act as a proper replacement light bulb

4. A true map light for cars. When I want to check a map while my husband is driving, it does me no good to turn on the overhead light. It’s actually annoying to the driver as well. What we need is a well-placed light under the passenger dash so that said passenger can read maps clearly without disturbing the driver. How about it, automakers?

5. A “smart” fridge. Yes, I know we have frost-free refrigerators with digital clocks and fancy icemakers that make 3 different types of ice but what we REALLY need is a fridge that has some sort of “spoiler alert” for the milk that’s about turn or for that “whatever” wrapped in tin foil that’s been in the back of the fridge for 3 weeks. Admit it, there’s always SOMEONE in your household (who shall remain nameless in my case) who puts leftovers away and forgets about them. It would work this way: A simulated map of the inside of your fridge would be inside the door. When a particular item is on the verge of spoiling, a red light would blink, letting you know where to find the offending item.

