2011年4月28日 星期四

Gather around the nanotubes for TV of future

Gather around the nanotubes for TV of future
In a few years, when people ask, "What's on the tube tonight?" they might be making an unintentional pun. That's because researchers have created a new transistor based on carbon nanotubes that could soon light up televisions and other screens.

Carbon nanotubes, or CNTs, are microscopic tubes made entirely of carbon atoms and resemble rolled-up chain-link fencing. They are currently of great scientific interest because of their unique material properties, including strength and electrical conductivity.

The new CNT transistors consume less energy than conventional transistors while offering similar color performance.Light up the architecturally table lamps interesting parts of your home. The finding might pave the way for larger, sharper screens based on organic light-emitting diodes,Under efforts of led spotlight boosting the viability of LED luminaires, many companies are expanding high-power selections. or OLEDs, which offer key advantages over other types of displays, researchers say.

"Our device opens up a whole new realm of materials that could solve this size limitation problem," among other OLED issues, said Andrew Rinzler,It was quick and light when I used dsttマジコン on a Windows 7 laptop, and gave me no trouble throughout a day of rigorous testing. a professor of physics at the University of Florida and a co-author of a paper appearing today in the journal Science.

An OLED is a carbon-containing version of a light-emitting diode (LED), a material that shines when exposed to an electric current. LEDs are fast becoming the lighting source of choice over traditional incandescent and fluorescent lighting. They also find use as backlighting in so-called LED TVs, a subset of liquid crystal display (LCD) sets,Philips LED business is inside of Philips lighting so it Led light is more difficult to determine whether they are meeting expectations. which along with plasma screens have largely replaced old-school cathode ray tubes and rear-projection TVs over the last decade.

Building a better TV screen
But with television screens, it always seems you can do one better, and OLEDs might well be the future of the ever-popular electronic.

For starters,Unlike compact cfl bulbs fluorescent light bulbs, LED based light bulbs provide a variety of lighting options- including the ability to provide a wide range of light, which allows them to act as a proper replacement light bulb OLEDs use about half as much energy as plasma and LCD screens. LCDs must be backlit because their liquid crystals cannot generate their own light; instead, they permit or block backlight to form an image. In OLEDs, however each pixel can shine on its own. Not only does this save energy, it produces better contrast than in an always-backlit LCD (when an OLED pixel is "off," it is dark).

In addition, OLEDs do not have the viewing angle deficits of LCDs — look at one from the side and images can be dimmed or blurry — or the glare or possible static image "burn-in" risk with plasma screens.

Another bonus: OLED units can be lighter in weight, especially compared with plasma TVs, the fronts of which are large glass panels. Some OLED screens could even be bendable, allowing the placement of displays in odd spots.

