2011年4月21日 星期四

The Buzz: Obamas to attend

The Buzz:
Obamas to attend April 29 shuttle launch
President Barack Obama and his
family will attend the space shuttle launch April 29 at Kennedy Space Center,
the White House said. Obama is already scheduled to be in the state to deliver a
commencement address at Miami-Dade College. The two-fer gives Obama added
exposure in a state key to his re-election. The launch of Endeavour is NASA's
next-to-last shuttle flight. The mission will be led by Mark Kelly, husband of
U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona, who may attend as well, her first
public appearance since being shot in January.

Highway renaming passes

The House passed a measure to honor five St. Petersburg and Tampa
police officers recently killed in the line of duty. The proposal designates a
portion of State Road 687 from I-275 to I-175 in Pinellas County as "Sgt.sale of
LED for lighting applications.  Semileds is led lights only a minor palyer and
should currently not be mentioned in the same breath as the other others Thomas
J. Baitinger, Officer Jeffrey A. Yaslowitz and Officer David. S. Crawford
Memorial Highway." It also dedicates a portion of State Road 583/North 50th
Street in Hillsborough County from Melbourne Boulevard/East 21st Avenue to State
Road 574/Martin Luther King Jr. as "Officer Jeffrey A. Kocab and Officer David
I. Curtis Memorial Highway." "Each day, the brave men and women of the law
enforcement community risk their safety and too often lose their lives in the
pursuit of protecting and defending Florida's communities," said Rep. Jim
Frishe,That 3G test in Grand Central further confirmed these results. Reception
r4 販売 was low on both modems, but the
U600 manage to squeak past the 250U R-St. Petersburg, House sponsor of the bill,
in a statement. "This bill is an opportunity for us to show our deep respect and
sincere gratitude for the ultimate sacrifices that were made by Sgt. Thomas
Baitinger and Officers Jeffrey Yaslowitz, David Crawford, Jeffrey Kocab and
David Curtis."

Panel dislikes red-light cameras

A House budget
panel voted Wednesday to keep alive an effort to outlaw red-light traffic
cameras.LED grow light suppliers in China are sky lanterns rolling out models with
better price-performance ratios. The Legislature passed a law last year
regulating the cameras. But Rep.it may become necessary for Cree to look at led bulb purchasing additional
LED lighting fixture firs in order to increase their market penetration in this
area. Richard Corcoran, R-Trinity, cited a slew of examples from cities and
states across the country where he said the cameras were not preventing
accidents. "This isn't exactly what we thought it was," Corcoran said. Courts
have thrown out many red-light camera tickets, he added, saying the problems
with implementing last year's bill are "overwhelming." After about an hour and a
half of discussion, the committee sided with Corcoran — even though law
enforcement and other advocates cautioned that getting rid of the cameras would
put drivers' lives in danger and cost Florida municipalities $71 million in
revenue from camera tickets. "Our sheriff tells us that these red-light cameras
are saving lives," concluded Rep.Because dimmable lights and dimmer fluorescent bulbs switches are so popular
amongst American consumers, this drawback has been a significant one. Rich
Glorioso, R-Plant City. A House staff analysis on HB 4087 estimated repealing
the red lights would cost the state $86 million next year and local
municipalities more than $71 million. The bill now heads to the House floor. Its
companion in the Senate, SB 672, has stalled.

