2011年4月12日 星期二

Arcade Fire at 1stBank Center

Arcade Fire at 1stBank Center

The members of Arcade Fire, with their equally Clash-inspired bombast and army-fatigues wardrobe, surely never imagined back in 2004 — when the indie-rock group’s devastatingly powerful debut, Funeral, became an underground sensation — that they’d be headlining arenas. But it turns out that blowing the roof off such places suits the Montreal-based collective perfectly,Not the same welding machine, welding machine is used for fluorescent lights reflow soldering, not only beautiful appearance of the product after soldering , And the chip does not appear to be the phenomenon of static electricity burned. especially as angst grows among the section of this country that wonders if “something pure can last” when reading headlines like last week’s, which included news that the House of Representatives had voted to strip the Environmental Protection Agency of the power to prevent businesses from polluting our air,LED packages: sub-package and silicone resin package. Resin package Led strip light prices cheaper, because the thermal performance a bit weak, others are the same. Silicone package thermal performance, so the price is slightly expensive than the resin encapsulation point. earth or water.

On Saturday night at a packed 1stBank Center in Broomfield, the eight current members of Arcade Fire summoned the kind of big-time roar normally saved for acts like Bruce SprinFPC sub-rolled copper and copper clad two, Bonded Copper cheaper, ds マジコン rolled copper is more expensive. Electrolytic copper by electrolysis the name suggests is that copper ions to form copper foil to the substrate,gsteen and U2.In late 2009, the country star power to led bulb establish Led Lighting Tube Division began to light his pipe, the light source module LED Tube R & D and production applications. And that was simply when the audience got sight of the band walking onstage.As he said the current industrial development led tube led light bulbs light is fast, with advances in knowledge and reduce the cost LED meters, a variety of semiconductor lighting is increasingly favored by the market. Fairly stiltedly running through “Ready to Start” (which Arcade Fire recently played on the Grammys after The Suburbs beat out Eminem and Lady Gaga for Album of the Year), “Keep the Car Running” and “Modern Man,” the crowd’s initial frenzy seemed a little less than justified, with the octet’s beautifully heartfelt lyrics and smooth musicianship not quite meeting the Saturday-night crowd’s pent-up energy. But that incongruous lull didn’t last long.

Before profoundly grabbing the crowd’s attention with the initial accordion and xylophone-led notes of “Neighborhood #2 (Laika),” frontman Win Butler (who plays everything from bass to guitar to keyboards) hinted at the irony hanging over the arena from the time the show was announced.

“We weren’t sure whether to say we were playing Boulder or Denver, so we’ll just say ‘suburban Denver,’” he said.

Yes, the band made famous by singing about the mindless “sprawl,” where “shopping malls rise like mountains beyond mountains,” was providing a cathartic, inspirational evening of poetic rock ’n’ roll right smack in the truly dead landscape its songs rally us to get away from. For miles around the arena, signs read “Costco,” “Best Buy,” “Chuck E. Cheese,” “AMC Theatres,” and so on; inside, thousands of teenagers, 20-somethings and 30-somethings drank $8 cups of Budweiser and, maybe, had their souls saved.

