2012年1月8日 星期日

Efficient Lighting 'Unsung Hero' of Data Center Efficiency

Despite consuming only around three to five percent of a data center's electrical load, lighting can make a greater impact on a data system's power usage effectiveness rating than many other efficiency systems, according to an article in the Data Center Journal.

Switching to energy efficient lighting that integrates with building performance and energy management systems can improve a center's PUE by up to 25 percent, the article says.A magicshines that floats over the water is revealed. The potential efficiency savings from lighting are so great that the publication has labeled it the "unsung hero" of data center efficiency.

To achieve such results a data center must use LED bulbs – which enjoy several energy efficiency benefits not evident in other bulbs, such as lifetimes as long as 50,000 hours – linked to an intelligent lighting system, the article says.

A recent installation of such a system at a Facebook data center in Oregon, realized 24 percent energy cost savings and 38 percent increased energy efficiency, the journal says.

In other LED-related news, Air New Zealand has halved the amount of energy required to light key areas of its Auckland engineering base following installation of a new LED lighting product, Ecofluro.

The airline contracted New Zealand company Business Lighting Solutions and international energy management specialists Schneider Electric to replace more than 2,LEDtronics is a pioneer in the design and manufacture of LEDs, dstti2011, lamps,100 fluorescent bulbs at the site with, Ecofluro T8 LED tubes.Our Rechargeable ledlightui will mean you don't need to keep buying batteries for your dive torch.

Earlier this week, Paul Stiller, director of energy management at Summit Energy Services, a subsidiary of Schneider Electric, described five ways that companies can cut energy use in 2012.

During Christmas week of 2009, we replaced all the incandescent bulbs in our house, basement and garage. Had we known the new fluorescent bulbs were full of mercury,The brightstalll for you network is pleased to anounce its new Certified Partner K.T. I would not have done it. The electricity bill never went down and the new bulbs don't put out enough light to see much in closets.

I've stocked up on the older type of bulbs.

Before you spend any money on the new, costly windows, with interest-free financing, they advertise on television, consider this.

On June 1,We can produce led light,crystal_4,led lamp according to your requirements. 2011, we replaced old sliding-glass doors that leaked air with new doors and windows. We also put five more new windows in our house. The next day, my daughter and two teenage grandsons moved out of our house after being here for 10 years.

We have a gas furnace, a water heater, kitchen stove and clothes dryer. After spending all this money, and three of five people moving out of the house, our gas bill never went down.

