2011年3月28日 星期一

advances in electronics

Components have become smaller because of advances in electronics, too, which in turn have driven design changes: "There's a change in the mindset of people designing things, a possibility of combining things,IFC was placed on two-year probation in February following an incident led tube of hazing that occurred after an IFC ceremony in November." says Hardy.

Some existing technologies can also can be used to safeguard the environment, such as satellites, which enables governments to keep watch on deforestation. Then there is biotechnology, through which organic matter is used to create fuels as well as replacing synthetically produced chemicals in various applications, such as cleaning fabrics. Power semiconductors are the most essential element of the majority of environmental technologies, such as wind generation, and manufacturers including Mitsubishi Electric and Delta are striving to make them as energy efficient as possible.

Pumps, on which many everyday appliances depend are also evolving, such as the the air source heat pump,Starting in 2012, federal law says manufacturers can no longer sell the familiar, 100-watt incandescent bulbs people fluorescent lights have used for years to illuminate the front porch or garage. which can improve air conditioning: "In winter you extract the heat from the air to heat homes – air conditioning in reverse – while in summer you take hot air out of the house. It's a heating technology that can be used for cooling," explains Hardy. Devices such as these help capture and use previously lost heat – a major issue if you want to save energy.

If many of these developments sound promising, there is a snag,IFC was placed on two-year probation in February following an incident led tube of hazing that occurred after an IFC ceremony in November. dubbed the "rebound effect".Existing optical-fiber technology is マジコンds inefficient at transmitting infrared light. However, the zinc selenide optical fibers that Badding's team developed are able to transmit the longer wavelengths of infrared light. "Exploiting these wavelengths is exciting because it represents a step toward making fibers that can serve as infrared lasers," Badding explained. "New [as opposed to substitute] technologies create new services, needs and wants, so their energy implications are new and additional," says Dr Charlie Wilson of the University of East Anglia.

Energy efficiency claims are often dressed up as green, however,"PEOPLE ARE calling out (to our leaders) for (officials) to be responsible for inflatable swimming pools their misdeeds," declared Manila Auxiliary Bishop Broderick Pabillo in his homily. With the "big fishes" hooked, he added, those responsible for producing 21st-century technologies are doing all they can to avoid the problems caused by their predecessors.

